Dr. Jonie Dodgens is a prolific author, prophetic psalmist, worship leader, women’s ministry mentor, philanthropist, and business owner. Because of her insatiable desire to reach the lost for Christ, she is a warrior for God’s Kingdom. And felt called to use her experiences to challenge and train people to use their influence for the Kingdom of God.
Blessed with an extraordinary gift of music, Dr. Dodgens uses her voice as a weapon of prayer to exalt the love of Christ through song. With her strong sense of business acumen and her love of helping others, this kingdom strategist incorporates biblical principles in the marketplace.
Dr. Jonie Dodgens is a prolific author, prophetic psalmist, worship leader, women’s ministry mentor, philanthropist, and business owner. Because of her insatiable desire to reach the lost for Christ, she is a warrior for God’s Kingdom. And felt called to use her experiences to challenge and train people to use their influence for the Kingdom of God.
Blessed with an extraordinary gift of music, Dr. Dodgens uses her voice as a weapon of prayer to exalt the love of Christ through song. With her strong sense of business acumen and her love of helping others, this kingdom strategist incorporates biblical principles in the marketplace.
I am clear about my calling. God has given me a gift that I can take into any church or organization, and the outcome will always be that Jesus is glorified through my song.
Dr. Jonie Dodgens has an Honorary Doctorate in Biblical Counseling. As a professional, she relies on Scripture as her foundational and primary source of counseling wisdom. As such, she helps people who are suffering, so that they might genuinely change in the inner person to be pleasing to God. After all, the Bible tells us who we are, why we’re here, how we exist in relationship to God. And how to understand the many hardships we experience in this life. It places our struggles and pain in the context of biblical truth and hope.
Then Dr. Dodgens helps people understand God’s purposes for them in pain, including the fears, despair, trauma, and other difficulties. Most importantly, she connects the implications of the gospel to the details of each person’s life. That’s what we all need most. That is, to see how the gospel applies to us, offers hope, and transforms us to look more like Christ when life is hard.