Jonie Dodgens Ministries

Dr. Jonie Dodgens


Dr. Jonie Dodgens is an ordained minister and prophetess from Sacramento, California. She has an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Biblical Counseling. Her captivating messages are heartfelt, down to earth, and empowering with practical strategies to life-altering situations.


Dr. Jonie Dodgens is a prolific author, prophetic psalmist, worship leader, women’s ministry mentor, philanthropist, and business owner. Because of her insatiable desire to reach the lost for Christ, she is a warrior for God’s Kingdom. And felt called to use her experiences to challenge and train people to use their influence for the Kingdom of God.

Blessed with an extraordinary gift of music, Dr. Dodgens uses her voice as a weapon of prayer to exalt the love of Christ through song. With her strong sense of business acumen and her love of helping others, this kingdom strategist incorporates biblical principles in the marketplace.

Dr. Jonie Dodgens
Dr. Jonie Dodgens


Dr. Jonie Dodgens is a prolific author, prophetic psalmist, worship leader, women’s ministry mentor, philanthropist, and business owner. Because of her insatiable desire to reach the lost for Christ, she is a warrior for God’s Kingdom. And felt called to use her experiences to challenge and train people to use their influence for the Kingdom of God.

Blessed with an extraordinary gift of music, Dr. Dodgens uses her voice as a weapon of prayer to exalt the love of Christ through song. With her strong sense of business acumen and her love of helping others, this kingdom strategist incorporates biblical principles in the marketplace.

I am clear about my calling. God has given me a gift that I can take into any church or organization, and the outcome will always be that Jesus is glorified through my song.

– Dr. Jonie Dodgens –


Dr. Jonie Dodgens has an Honorary Doctorate in Biblical Counseling. As a professional, she relies on Scripture as her foundational and primary source of counseling wisdom. As such, she helps people who are suffering, so that they might genuinely change in the inner person to be pleasing to God. After all, the Bible tells us who we are, why we’re here, how we exist in relationship to God. And how to understand the many hardships we experience in this life. It places our struggles and pain in the context of biblical truth and hope.

Then Dr. Dodgens helps people understand God’s purposes for them in pain, including the fears, despair, trauma, and other difficulties. Most importantly, she connects the implications of the gospel to the details of each person’s life. That’s what we all need most. That is, to see how the gospel applies to us, offers hope, and transforms us to look more like Christ when life is hard.


  • Honory Doctrate, Bibile Counselor
  • License, Ordained Apostle
  • President, Jonie Dodgens Ministries
  • Founder, JB Homecare
  • President, Life Under The Son Ministries
  • Founder, Designing Women For Destiny
  • Founder, Elijah Institute


  • Nominated, Woman Of The Year 2008
Popular Female Minister in Sacramento
Popular Female Minister in Sacramento


  • Honory Doctrate, Bibile Counselor
  • License, Ordained Apostle
  • President, Jonie Dodgens Ministries
  • Founder, JB Homecare
  • President, Life Under The Son Ministries
  • Founder, Designing Women For Destiny
  • Founder, Elijah Institute


  • Nominated, Woman Of The Year 2008


An ordained minister is a person who has been elevated from the laity class to the clergy. Their appointed position allows them to perform religious sacraments and church rites, as well as act as a servant to humanity on behalf of God. Responsibilities also include officiating weddings, accommodating funerals, and performing baptisms. The congregation is engaged in the practice of faith by the ordained minister’s sermons. In this capacity, they comfort the sick, and console individuals in times of loss. However, the primary responsibility of an ordained minister is to help guide individuals in their spiritual journey.
Popular Female Minister Sacramento


Whether a popular female minister in Sacramento or a male minister in a different city, creating the right atmosphere is so important to Godly leadership. In fact, Godly leadership doesn’t just happen by chance, but rather it’s developed. And God has to mold His leaders before He can use them as servants of change in the world. Therefore, an atmosphere of mutual respect must be created before we can influence those we lead. As a Godly leader, Dr. Dodgens is committed to using her talents, passions, and gifts to lift others up and transform them. While this approach to leadership goes against many of our natural tendencies, she exerts great humility to do God’s work.
Popular Female Minister Sacramento


Whether a popular female minister in Sacramento or a male minister in a different city, creating the right atmosphere is so important to Godly leadership. In fact, Godly leadership doesn’t just happen by chance, but rather it’s developed. And God has to mold His leaders before He can use them as servants of change in the world. Therefore, an atmosphere of mutual respect must be created before we can influence those we lead. As a Godly leader, Dr. Dodgens is committed to using her talents, passions, and gifts to lift others up and transform them. While this approach to leadership goes against many of our natural tendencies, she exerts great humility to do God’s work.


The importance of feeling safe, comfortable and well-guided in your spiritual journey cannot be overstated. This foundation of trust is invaluable to understanding the God given purpose for your life. Dr. Dodgens is all too familiar with how we associate pastoring with men because the pastors we have seen are men. However, older Christians recall popular female ministers in Sacramento and beyond. They knew these female ministers from childhood and remember how they led them to faith and service. We are shaped by what we see and don’t see. And by what we experience and do not experience. As an ordained minister, Dr. Dodgens is a model for girls and women who might not hear God’s call if they have never seen a woman behind the pulpit. And for the sake of boys and men so they can be inspired by what she says. So that they never hinder anyone called to serve God.
Dr. Jonie Dodgens Popular Female Minister Sacramento
Dr. Jonie Dodgens Popular Female Minister Sacramento
Dr. Jonie Dodgens Popular Female Minister Sacramento


The importance of feeling safe, comfortable and well-guided in your spiritual journey cannot be overstated. This foundation of trust is invaluable to understanding the God given purpose for your life. Dr. Dodgens is all too familiar with how we associate pastoring with men because the pastors we have seen are men. However, older Christians recall popular female ministers in Sacramento and beyond. They knew these female ministers from childhood and remember how they led them to faith and service. We are shaped by what we see and don’t see. And by what we experience and do not experience. As an ordained minister, Dr. Dodgens is a model for girls and women who might not hear God’s call if they have never seen a woman behind the pulpit. And for the sake of boys and men so they can be inspired by what she says. So that they never hinder anyone called to serve God.

Event Booking Request

In song, ministry programs, and spreading God’s word, Dr. Jonie Dodgens is dedicated to uplifting and helping people everywhere. If you have been looking for a Godly and popular female minister in Sacramento, please contact Jonie Dodgens Ministries today to book Dr. Dodgens for your event or public program.
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